Chemical Peels

What are Chemical Peels?
Chemical peels can be versatile and treat many skin concerns such as:
Dull, tired looking skin
Oily or dry skin
Fine lines and wrinkles
Acne prone skin
Open pores
So which peel?
Choosing which peel will be most effective for your skin concern will depend on the clinical judgment of your practitioner, and will include consideration of your medical history, skin type, and skin concern. As we are not affiliated to any particular brand, our practitioner is able to select from a variety of chemical peels for best safety profile and results.
Am I suitable?
A chemical peel is not suitable for everyone and certain patients may be precluded such as:
Pregnant or breast feeding
Skin infections
Allergy to ingredients
Photosensitising medications
Ehlers Danos / Scleroderma or Collagen disease
Kelioid scarring
Herpes (cold sores)
Roaccutane in last 6-18 months
(this list is not exhaustive)
On the whole superficial and medium depth chemical peels are safe, but as with any treatment there is a degree of risk. Common complications include:
Less common complications include:
Altered or loss of pigmentation which may be permanent.
Before and after you peel
Your practitioner may suggest a pre peel regime to ensure a safe effective outcome. Preparation before certain peels are sometimes necessary to reduce the risk of pigmentation and to ensure enhanced results. This prep period usually takes 2 weeks and involves the home use of prescribed creams.
You will also be advised on a post procedure regime which will always include the use of an SPF 30 or above (sunscreen) for at least one month.